League of Legends - Zoom Hack

Last Updated: 31/03-2016 -  Current Version: v3  - Fully working with League of Legends Patch 6.6

Download League of Legends Simple Zoom Hack v3: LoL Simple Zoom Hack v3 or from any of our backup link: http://bit.ly/LoLZoomHack v3

You could also head to our download tab here on the site, where you can get acces to our League of Legends Zoom Hack and many other great hacks, tools and bots!

Video: League of Legends Zoom Hack - Unlimited Zoom/Camera Range Hack [Working 2016 - Patch 6.6] - Full guide and walkthrough. (Updated 31/03-2016)
If the video player is broken you can watch the video here: https://www.youtube.com/watch?v=C7wLt-GfdDw

How to use: (Quick & Easy step by step guide to League of Legends Zoom Hack).

Step 1. First you have to download League of Legends Zoom Hack  v3. From direct download link  HERE , HERE  or go to the bottom of this page. (When downloaded, then don't open the program untill you have entered a match in LoL).

Step 2. - Open up League of Legends and enter a match (doesn't matter if I'ts a normal or a custom againt bots, although I recommend testing this out against bots first, to get the feeling of how it works and how to adjust it and find the right zoom range for you, before going against people in normal or ranked games).

Step 3. - Now that you have entered your game, minimize LoL and go to the folder where youve downloaded and saved the Simple Zoom League of Legends Zoom Hack v3 at, and then start it up. (Usually ends up in "documents/downloads" folder").

Step 4. - Now you can set your camera range / Zoom range to whatever youd like (the standard is usually 2250), but you can determine what yours is set to at  by going to theZoomLimit menu, and then click "Remove Zoomlimit".

Step 5. - Now you have to go to settings, and enter your desired new Zoomlimit under the Zoomhack value tab.

Step 6. - Go to "Zoomhack" tab and hit the "Enable Zoomhack" button, and your camera should instantly be set to the limit you just entered in Step 5.

If you have any troubles with this, then feel free to shoot me an email or contact me on my YouTube video. The video includes a complete guide on how to use the Zoom Hack, if you found it alittle hard just by reading this guide.

Download League of Legends Simple Zoom Hack v3: LoL Simple Zoom Hack v3
or from any of our backup links: here or here .